Ladders & bin carriers

Transtak® Engineering & Equipment manufacture the ‘Transtak ladders’ fruit picking ladders, and ‘Transtak bin carriers’ for carting bins of fruit from the orchard to packhouse.
The high tensile aluminium orchard ladders are available in 5 foot to 10 foot sizes, with three sizes of orchard work stools for dwarf tree work.
The ladder range is compliant with Australian portable ladder standards with 180 kg industrial rating—the highest in the industry.
Bin carriers
Transtak bin carriers have proven their worth to Australian fruit growers. 
Customers who have changed to this system are very satisfied with the efficiency gains and lower labour and  machinery costs per bin moved.
Three-bin, four-bin and six-bin carriers are available for handling plastic and wooden bins.
Visit our website to view the demonstration video. Models and specifications are listed there.
We will be pleased to receive your enquiry and quote for delivery to your orchard.
This equipment is supplied direct to fruit growers in Australia by Transtak Engineering & Equipment.
Contact Peter Guy.
For details, see Tree Fruit March 2014

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