Disease management in orchards

Fight blackspot, leaf curl & blossom blight with new Grochem Dodine


Grochem Australia will be introducing Grochem Dodine into the market this year.

Dodine is a key protectant fungicide in the fight against blackspot in apples and pears, and leaf curl and blossom blight in peaches and nectarines.
Dodine should be part of an early season protectant spray program starting at pink bud in apples and white bud in pears, followed by another two applications 10–14 days apart.
Grochem Dodine should be rotated with a DMI such as Stamina (Myclobutanil) or Pearl (Penconazole) for the control of black spot in apples and pears, and powdery mildew in apples.
Pearl is also registered for Powdery mildew control in grapes. Its unique EW formulation, and double the strength of any other of penconazole in the Australian market, gives growers a much more user-friendly product, giving better compatibilities.
Protect fresh wounds with Garrison Rapid
Orchard hygiene should be front of mind all year round.
When pruning it is important to protect fresh wounds with Garrison Rapid, which is a pruning wound dressing fungicide.
It contains two actives (Cyproconazole and Iodocarb) in the form of an elastic paint that is resistant to cracking and provides superb rapid drying.
Garrison Rapid wound dressing seals and protects wounds against fungal infections such as silverleaf in apples, apricots, plums, peaches, and ornamentals and Eutypa in grapevines.
Bee Scent attracts bees to the target crop
Pollination deficiencies occur frequently in difficult to pollinate crops such as apples, pears, stone fruit and cherries.
Pollination is critical in producing yield and quality. Bee Scent is a pheromone–based enhancement product that aids in attracting bees to the target crop and away from other flowering species.
Bee Scent also has a foraging pheromone that will help with the foraging capabilities of bees, so they work harder.
Bee Scent is applied as part of a cover spray, it is compatible with most fungicides that are applied over flowering.
The end benefits to growers is the ease of use and optimum utilisation of the bees, giving better yields and quality—for more marketable fruit and increased return on investment.
Garrison Rapid, Grochem Dodine, Stamina, Pearl and Bee Scent are all available from Grochem Australia.

For more information, contact:
Melanie Weber 0402 310 854
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Ben Coombe 0447 300 959
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See this article in Tree Fruit Aug 2017


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