Minimise rain cracking

Tool to reduce cherry cracking

Cherry cracking due to rain is one of the most destructive variables that can happen to a cherry orchard.
There are management tools to use to reduce cracking. One such tool is RainGard.

RainGard has been used successfully in Australia for the past four seasons and is the leading cherry cracking suppressant product in the US.
RainGard has many positive features including:
Tested and proven effective by UTAS and WTRFC in various trials over many years
Can be tank mixed with a number of pesticides
Does not leave residues on fruit
Does not dull fruit (actually shines them up for better presentation)
Is rainfast within two hours (depending on weather conditions)
RainGard does not interfere with use or effectiveness of pesticides
No restrictions on use for export fruit.
RainGard applications start at straw colour and is applied every 7–10 days.

For information Contact
Colin Campbell (Chemicals) 
P: 02 9725 2544
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