Manage the minimum wage with ABCgrower

Grappling with how to manage the impending minimum wage guarantee ruling for horticulture workers?
“NZ has had minimum wage for decades so our grower solutions are ready to go,”says ABC founder, Sharon Chapman.

Growers from around Australia and NZ confidently rely on the specialised horticulture software, ABCgrower, to capture, manage and report all picking and labour activities on the farm. For NZ growers, it automatically calculates top-up payments for pieceworkers.
Piecework lives on
“For our Australian clients, it is simply a matter of turning on top-up payments and they are good to go,” Sharon said. Visibility to top-up payment cost is available at all times.
“You can continue to use piece rates, but if a worker doesn’t meet the minimum hourly rate, our system generates a top up payment to meet the shortfall. You have the tools to identify poor performers well before a pay period closes.”
Easy to use on smartphones and scanners, ABCgrower can be used with and without the internet to easily capture worker activities and their start and finish times. The admin involved in managing worker’s timesheets is significantly reduced due to information being digitised from the start.
ABCgrower comes with several optional modules: Spray Diary, Quality, On Site Log and Bin Inventory Management. Also available is ABCpacker, a packhouse program.

For contact details see Tree Fruit Dec 2021

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