New software tool for better decisions

New software that enables tree crop growers to make better decisions for their business has been released by ABC Software.

Chris Shakeshaft, business development manager with ABC Software, believes the company’s new packing house application, EVA, can help provide better information and business intelligence for growers to use in their management.
“EVA stands for efficiency, visibility and accuracy, all of which play a significant role in setting business objectives and improving operational outcomes,” he said.
“The EVA analytics tool helps growers to change data into information, knowledge and strategies which can produce better results.”
Interactive views of critical information
The software’s analytical reporting gives ‘zoom in, zoom out’ interactive views, about picking, production, sales and other critical information, all in one place.
Business intelligence tool
Mr Shakeshaft said EVA is not just an operational tool, but a business intelligence tool.
“EVA makes it easier for growers to find, filter and analyse data, going beyond numbers and allowing them to visualise information at the push of a button,” he said.
“This means spending less time on spreadsheets and more time doing what they do best.”

For information contact Chris Shakeshaft
phone +64 6 845 0068 or +64 21 506 806
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See this article in Tree Fruit July 2016

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