Redpack ‘trayless’ apple packaging

Nobody likes bruised apples, so for a trayless apple pack they have to be handled with the utmost care—and that’s a challenging task on a flow wrapping machine.

The Redpack Packaging Machinery team in the UK have developed a unique frictionless infeed and transfer system that doesn’t damage the fruit, can be easily adjusted for different sized packs, triples their packaging speed and saves money on labour and packaging materials; and by improving pack appearance means a fast payback of machine investment.
Apples can be collated either “In-line Packs” or in “Soldier Packs” of 4–6–8 or 10 apples side by side, without the need for infeed change parts, so collation changes are easily and quickly accomplished.
Packing speeds of around 65ppm have been achieved on the 6–pack which is a significant increase on previous packaging methods.
The Redpack Trayless is not only for apples, it can be used for wrapping similar sized fruits such as pears, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, kiwifruit etc.

Contact: DNL Australia phone 07 5574 5538
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For more information, see Tree Fruit June 2016

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