Handheld mechanical blossom thinner


Crop load management is vital for consistent crops of large, quality fruit—and blossom thinning plays a key role.

Reducing competition for tree resources can result in increased fruit size.
The new ‘Cinch’ is a labour saving, handheld mechanical blossom thinner that can cut thinning costs by a third to a half. It is a portable, string-style thinner that attaches either to a half-inch cordless drill or to an air or hydraulic power source.
The Cinch allows the operator to thin blossoms on any tree style including vase, trellis or central leader. No special tree training is needed. The operator has full control to thin limbs and laterals.
The aluminium rod holds special pliable tubing that rotate to knock blossoms off, yet it is lightweight, effective and causes little or no damage to the tree. It is available in 900 mm, 1.2 m and 1.5 m lengths.
The Cinch can be used from pre-bloom to petal fall, but is most effective at balloon to full bloom. It is suitable for peach, nectarine, cherry and apple.
It is especially effective on precocious trees like cherry on Gisela rootstock, low chill stone fruit and heavy setting nectarines.
Contact Russell Fox, InSense Pty Ltd


For contact details, see Tree Fruit August 2014


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