Yieldmax fruitpicking buckets are filled with innovative features to help you maximize your yield when picking.

The premium 28 L bucket for apples and pears helps minimize worker injury strain and fruit bruising or damage, due to its ergonomic design and uncompromising quality.

It is strong, simple, easy to use, and stackable.

The Yieldmax YM2810C comes with a harness with two, wide shoulder pads that cross over at the mid-back area for extra support.

The bucket itself is made from durable polyethylene with a polyurethane foam casing and a replaceable nylon liner. It is kidney–shaped to aid comfort when picking and to keep the fruit weight closer to the body to minimize strain.

The Yieldmax is easy to empty through the tapered bucket by a simple rope-and-hook catch system.

For more information and your local distributor, see the October 2012 Tree Fruit magazine

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