Munckhof's 50 years of Pluk-O-Trak

Munckhof celebrates 50 years of Pluk-O-Trak with a special Anniversary Edition

This year it is fifty years ago that Munckhof Fruit Tech Innovators introduced its Pluk-O-Trak harvesting machine that is used to pick a range of fruit including apples, pears, citrus and cherries.
Fruit growers save 50% on picking labour and reduce 30% on fruit damage.
The Pluk-O-Trak is also widely used for fast and efficient pruning, thinning and working on hail protection nets.
Twenty large automatic function keys with symbol indication perform each operation independently.
Special anniversary edition
To celebrate the special golden anniversary of its harvesting aid, Munckhof is launching a special anniversary edition this year with the latest steering, 'food grade' blue tyres and lots of additional extras.

For contact details, see Tree Fruit Feb 2020

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