Quantum Mist™— a quantum leap in horticultural application

Croplands began working with the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) in 2002 to develop the Quantum Mist™ fan for horticulture.
Today over 14,000 Quantum Mist fan heads have been sold worldwide.

More growers are discovering the financial and time saving benefits gained from the Quantum Mist’s ability to spray large areas precisely, at faster travel speeds, all while using less energy.
The Quantum Mist technology is ideal for a variety of applications and the system can easily match grower needs across all growing conditions.
Perfect for tree crops
It is widely used in vineyards in single, two and three–row combinations. A linkage unit with horizontal boom is suited for ground crops and the Quantum Mist Tower and Ultra Tower units are perfect for tree crops.
Fluorescent dye tests have proven that the Quantum Mist penetrates deeper within the canopy and spray reaches its intended target.
Fans easily adjusted to suit the crop
The lightweight axial Quantum Mist fans are easily set to the angle, size and height of the crop, minimising chemical drift and chemical waste.
“The advantage with this technology is that we can adjust fan speeds to reduce drift, match the spray heads to the height of the bushes, and get chemical spray straight to the leaf area”, said George Jessett, the BerryExchange Horticultural Manager who introduced the single row Quantum Mist sprayer to Australia’s largest commercial blueberry farm.
Greater coverage
Offering flexibility with fan speed and spray application rates, the Quantum Mist fan heads deliver high volume, turbulent, directional air that provide up to thirty percent more coverage than traditional sprayers, resulting in optimum plant protection and disease control.
Mr Jessett added that flexibility with spray volume and improved efficacy are major advantages in using Quantum Mist as part of his plant protection program.
Award winning innovation
The Quantum Mist technology has revolutionised the way vineyard and orchards are now sprayed and has won Croplands the 2009 Innovation Award from Wine Industry Suppliers Australia Inc.
It continues to advance with a new Cable-drive System for increased savings in power requirements and fuel use.

For more information on the Quantum Mist range of horticultural sprayers contact Croplands today
Freecall: 1800 999 162
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See this article in Tree Fruit June 2015

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