Move picked fruit quickly and efficiently

The TRANSTAK® fruit-bin carriers have been developed to provide the fruit grower with a simple, quick and efficient means of moving picked fruit from the orchard to the pack house.

Three basic models are available with load capacities and options to suit the bins handled, orchard terrain and quantity moved per day.

TRANSTAK Low-Lift carriers
The TRANSTAK Low-Lift carriers are available with 3 or 4 bins capacity. These carriers lift 350 mm high, are easy to operate, and can be towed by a tractor or pushed in front for greater manoeuvrability within the orchard.
Fork angle and drawbar height adjustment at the drawbar end is via two bolts.

These carriers are very well priced and will move approximately 100 bins per day in the average orchard.

The TRANSTAK 2000 carrier has a load capacity of three bins and lifts one metre high to stack bins as well.

The stacking feature not only provides good ground clearance but also allows the binning out of nine empty bins which are destacked in the orchard and placed into the rows.

This carrier is tractor front-mounted only, for efficient operation in the orchard; and has the capacity to move 100 to 120 bins per day.
The fork angle is adjusted via a sliding bolted mechanism, so as to stack bins at about 800 mm high.

TRANSTAK 3500N bin carriers
The TRANSTAK 3500N bin carriers have a load capacity of 3500 kg; or six bins of fruit.

This carrier lifts to one metre high for stacking up bins prior to transport from the orchard to pack house.

The TRANSTAK 3500N has hydraulic tilt control of the forks in any position for loading, levelling of the load for transport in hilly conditions, and for stacking bins.

This heavy-duty carrier will move approximately 200 bins per day and should be front mounted to the tractor to achieve maximum transporting capacity.
The carrier when tractor front mounted allows the tractor driver to master the technique to stack three bins at a time.

A new slim-fork is now available for stacking plastic mega-bins.

Hydra-Float accumulators

Hydra-Float accumulators may be fitted to any of these TRANSTAK carriers to provide a smoother and softer ride. This option is recommended in most orchard conditions.

Demonstration video
Please take time to view the TRANSTAK demonstration video at

And ask for a brochure about any of these bin carriers.
We are pleased to quote price and delivery to your orchard in Australia from our New Zealand manufacturing base.

TRANSTAK Engineering and Equipment, Motueka, New Zealand
phone 0064 35288218 e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See this article and photos in Tree Fruit October 2013

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