Equipment for the orchardist

TRANSTAK in New Zealand produce a range of equipment for the orchardist.
The TRANSTAK fruit bin carriers/trailers are designed to increase bin handling efficiencies on the orchard.

These fork-carriers/trailers pick up the bins on tapered-tensile forks, then carry the full bins back to the packhouse to offload.

This simple but proven and effective concept has been steadily refined to a range of models to fit any orchard situation.

The 3–4 bin low-lift models are budget priced for the smaller-medium grower and have rubber load cushioning. The 3–6 bin load and stack carriers have a 1.0 metre lift to stack bins.

The Transtak 2000N is a tractor front-mount carrier with 3 full bins capacity and 6–9 empty bins to unstack in the field.

The TRANSTAK 3500N carrier has the capacity to carry 3–6 full bins. Recent improvements in the slim fork design allow this carrier to double-stack the plastic megabins and carry 6 full bins at a time.

Tractor front mounting is necessary to double-stack bins quickly and effectively, allowing one tractor to move 7–8 bins at a time combined with rear forks.

For more information & contact details, see Tree Fruit July 2013

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