Act now to optimise spring growth

Summertime can be hard on crops.

A variety of factors can inhibit tree crop growth including:
•extreme weather conditions
•water stress
•high salinity
•herbicide damage
•inadequate fertilisation.
These factors can seriously affect tree health and next season’s crop.
Trees prepare for dormancy
From the end of summer into autumn, tree crops are readying for winter dormancy and growth in spring.
This period is critical in a tree’s growth cycle and can determine the health of next season’s crop.
It’s important to increase nutrition during this time to avoid nutrients becoming depleted in spring.
A great way to ensure that your crops are ready for growth is to use Stoller solutions for trees, which can boost crops’ nutrition and carbohydrate reserves.
Stoller solutions
All Stoller products are liquid formulation, which means they are more easily absorbed by plants.
This also has the added benefit that they are easy to apply.
Fruit trees can benefit most by following our proven three step plan, which increases nutrition and optimizes conditions for increased yield.
Stoller’s Three Step Plan
Step 1 (Foliar treatment)
Apply Foli-Zyme and ZM2 before leaf-fall to enhance strong wood and bud development and minimize the impact of stress.
Step 2 (Soil treatment)
Apply Nutri-pHLow and Post Harvest 23 to replace nutrients removed during the production period and start maximizing next year’s production now.
Step 3 (Hibernation treatment)
Apply Sugar Mover and ZM2 to assist carbohydrate movement into the buds and roots of the plant, which helps the ability to withstand stress and will help with next year’s evenness of fruit.
Stoller’s range of solutions for increased tree crop yield
Foli-Zyme—Enhances healthy growth and helps bud fruitfulness and new root growth in stress situations.
ZM2—An essential component for high yields that contains zinc, manganese, magnesium and sulphur.
Nutri-pHLow—A multi-nutrient product that can help root growth, crop yield and quality.
Post Harvest 23—Allows the crop to establish nutrient reserves and encourages healthy spring growth as well as early growth of roots and shoots.
Sugar Mover—Restores growth balance and optimises bud and fruit development.

Stoller Australia phone 1800 337 845
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See this article in Tree Fruit Feb 2020

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