Post-harvest nutrition strategy

Huge amounts of both macronutrients and trace elements are removed from the system when trees are harvested.

These nutrients need to be replaced to make sure crops have the stores they need to maximise production in the next season.
Trees normally have a root flush after harvest – it’s the plant’s natural way of feeding itself before dormancy.
When dormancy breaks in spring, demand for nutrients to support new root and shoot growth is extremely high. This demand can’t be met by root uptake alone and plants need to rely on their nutrient reserves.
Stoller Australia’s post-harvest hibernation options are designed to rebuild plant’s nutrient banks and accelerate the movement of carbohydrates and other reserves back to roots and woody tissues.
Post-harvest strategy
A good post-harvest strategy needs to supply nutrients to flower buds and the root zone as well as replenish the plant’s stores.
It lays the foundation for the next season by accelerating the movement of carbohydrates and nutrient to roots and woody storage tissues. This means stronger and healthier buds that are ready for budburst and flowering in spring.
Range of hibernation options
Stoller Australia offers a full range of hibernation options for soil and foliar application.
Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium helps rebuild nutrient banks, condition the soil and displace undesirable salts.
Trace elements like zinc are used in protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism and root development and manganese, magnesium and boron help promote flowering, pollination and shoot development.
Application options
There are three application options for Stoller Australia’s hibernation products.
Applications options can be selected per need, for example a grower may choose to only apply the foliar treatment.
Sugar Mover
Stoller’s Sugar Mover is a unique foliar nutrient treatment that helps redirect sugars and carbohydrates to tree and vine roots.
It is a convenient and effective alternative to soluble boron, with the added benefit of molybdenum – enhancing nitrogen use by improving sugar transport and metabolism.
Boron is a relatively immobile nutrient and so needs to be supplied continuously to ensure flower uniformity, pollination and shoot formation.
Stoller’s Nutri-pHLow is a highly available phosphorus source that also contains nitrogen, potassium and supplementary micronutrients.
Apply directly after harvest followed by Stoller’s Post Harvest 23 to support the plant’s natural root flush.
It contains controlled release nitrogen that is ideal for stocking up reserves and encouraging healthy spring growth and the balanced nutrient formulation will not drive excessive vegetative growth.
ZM Squared (ZM2)
Stoller’s ZM Squared (ZM2) is a proven phenolic acid chelate—a cost-effective and plant-available source of zinc, manganese, magnesium and sulphur.
All of the nutrients are chelated, which means that they remain available to your plants and you can maximise your fertiliser use efficiency.
Stoller’s Foli-Zyme is a complete liquid for stress relief and a plant health product.
Applied directly after harvest it will replenish the plant with vital nutrients. More importantly it will help the plant recover and energise the root system and vegetative growth to maximise carbohydrate storage ability.

For more information on post-harvest hibernation products see our hibernation brochure or
contact your Stoller Australia representative on 1800 FERTILISER or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See this article in Tree Fruit Dec 2016

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