Agricrop extends product range

Throughout spring, Agricrop are launching a new range of synthetically chelated trace elements.

These are manufactured in Europe and meet all international standards of solubility and quality.
Synthetic chelates provide supreme stability and availability of the nutrient to the crop when applied to the soil. The chelate prevents the nutrient interacting with the soil and prevents fixation.
In addition, as a foliar they have the advantage of good plant availability and excellent compatibility with other agrochemicals and nutrients added to spray tanks.
Packaging innovation
Agricrop’s trace element range also has some great packaging innovations.
All products come in weatherproof 15 kg bags, packed in Cubox’s of 34 x 15kg bags per pallet.
These unique WDG formulations allow easy measuring, better mixing and less dust.
Available products
Ferroboss and Agrifer SP—both EDDHA 6% Iron. Also EDTA chelates of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc, and Micromix of elements.
Agricrop’s complete range of EDTA chelates will provide multiple options for supplying iron EDDHA depending on soil type and pH.
Contact Agricrop to determine the best option—Fe EDDHA or EDTA chelate for your situation.

For more information, see Tree Fruit Oct 2016

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