Low cost, high response nutrition program

Nutri-Tech Solutions specialises in delivering the biggest response for the lowest investment. 
Here, I will share a strategy where the base program costs less than $20 per hectare. 
Step 1—Seed Treatment A package of key minerals, plant growth and soil life promoters, wrapped around the seed at planting, can fire up the young plant more cost-effectively than any other input. 
Step 2—Re-introduce & promote soil biology Mycorrhizal fungi burrow into the plant root and provide the plant with a massive root extension of fine filaments, effectively increasing root surface area ten-fold. This helps deliver and retain nutrients in the root zone, repel root knot nematodes and build humus. 
Step 3—Include humates with standard fertilisers Humic acid increases cell membrane permeability in a phenomenon called cell sensitisation. 
This allows your crop to take up fertilisers 30% more efficiently and helps minimise loss of leachable minerals. 
Try it I suggest you trial this super-productive, highly affordable program that will introduce you to the benefits of Nutrition Farming®. 
Contact Graeme Sait, Nutri-Tech Solutions
phone : 07 5472 9900 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
For more information, see Tree Fruit March 2015

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