Make the right nutrient deposits this season

At budburst, trees require stored nutrients to feed the spring growth until the roots become active and start the process of photosynthesis by working with the fresh foliage to build sugars and food for the current season.

The stored nutrients are collected by the tree before dormancy, so that deposits you make to the nutrient bank prior to dormancy are all important.
However, now is the time to consider your bank balance of nutrients and ensure that you don’t take your account into overdraft in the spring.
Avoid nutrient deficiencies
The amount of nutrient removed by a stone fruit crop (for example) can vary. For every tonne taken off at harvest, nutrients are removed.
The aim is to ensure that none of these elements becomes a limiting factor for production.
For each variety and region, the recommendations will differ as to the rates and timing of inputs. The main thing is to be aware of the needs of the tree and ensure that everything is furnished for healthy growth and optimal production and quality.
Considerations for optimal production
Number one is to be sure that irrigation and other farm management items are taken care of.
Next, consider the overall fertiliser inputs of N, P and K which can be supplied as solid fertilisers, through liquid injection, and in some cases with foliar top-ups.
Then the secondary and micro nutrients need to be attended to. If you are not sure, then an early leaf tissue test, along with visual observation, can allow last minute correction of these elements through soil or foliar application.
Finally there are quality and crop performance considerations. Is there adequate calcium and boron available for fruit development? Is nitrogen being balanced in order to maintain required supply but not trigger excessive vegetative growth? Are all necessary elements available to assist pollination and to minimise stress at critical crop stages? Are elements such as potassium and magnesium available to help with the bulking of fruit?
Reach genetic potential
Stoller Australia focusses on helping a crop reach its full genetic potential by addressing limiting factors and minimising the impact of stress.
Stoller’s philosophy is to promote continuous healthy root growth through stress management and the application of key soil nutrient products such as Stoller’s RootFeed; and by ensuring nutrients are in good supply through foliar treatments such as Stoller’s Foliar Plus.
Treating the foliage with sprays of calcium and boron in the form of Stoller’s SETT/CaB can help with pollination and final fruit quality.
Talk to your local Stoller representative or reseller to track down the best products and programs to ensure you make the right nutrient deposits this season.

 For more information, see Tree Fruit August 2014

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