Reflecting heat in winter may boost chill hours

Russell Fox

InSense is running a research trial aimed at helping fruit growers boost crop yields by increasing chill accumulation in trees.

The trial at Cobram in Victoria will determine if spraying cherry, apple and almond trees with calcium carbonate at leaf fall can increase chill accumulation by reflecting heat from fruit buds in winter.
InSense’s Russell Fox said the trial was based on a similar substance which helped protect trees in the hot summer months.
“We have a calcium carbonate product that we use in summer to protect fruit from sunburn as it reflects the sun’s harmful rays,” Mr Fox said.
“We know climate change is having an effect on the weather, so this trial will investigate how to help counteract that and lock in the chill requirement for the fruit.”
The trial ran last year on three orchards and is focused on cherry, almond and apple crops. Mr Fox said all three crops relied on chill periods during winter for the trees to bud properly in spring.
“The trial will be a calcium carbonate product sprayed on trees at or just before leaf fall to help them accumulate winter chill hours,” he said.
“We’ll be monitoring the effect it has in the spring, from bud burst through to harvest. We’ll also be looking at yield in terms of fruit quality and quantity to see what effect it has on the overall crop and how we can maximise that for farmers.”
Overcoming milder winters
In previous years, winters have been milder and Mr Fox said the calcium carbonate spray may help trees maximise the accumulation of cooler temperatures in a changing climate.
He added that in addition to chill periods, trees required warmer spring temperatures and that the study would investigate both temperature phases.
The trial will also test temperatures in different blocks across the three orchards.
Grant for trial
The project received a $49,000 grant from the Victorian Government’s, Horticulture Innovation Fund.
Mr Fox said the funding was a great opportunity to continue the trial in the next two years to determine if it could be used on a wider scale.
“I really appreciate the funding from the Horticulture Innovation Fund, it will allow me to continue to conduct the study and it has created a great opportunity.”
Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford said the Horticulture Innovation Fund supported businesses to innovate and work with researchers to test and adapt new technologies to local conditions.
“This is great news for the Goulburn Valley and will boost our surging horticulture exports even further,” she said.
State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the feasibility study would be a driver in increasing the productivity of cherry, apple and almond trees, and in turn, future proofing them against the effects of climate change.

See this article in Tree Fruit July 2017

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