Info from Northwest cherries

Here is the latest information about Northwest cherries, from BJ Thurlby, President Northwest Cherry Growers.

“Here in the Northwest we have been graced with mild growing weather the past 10 days.
A cool weather system pushed hot weather out of the region on 7 June.
Growers are reporting that the mild temperatures (21–24C) during the day and at night (about 7C) have produced large, firm fruit that is loaded with sugars!
This recent run of cooler temperatures has resulted in later varieties being pushed back—some growers are expecting to harvest their Canadian varieties four to five days later than they did last year.
The Bing harvest continues at mid-elevation levels throughout Washington, Oregon, Utah and Idaho.
With plenty of Bings left to harvest in the later districts, the earlier growing regions started on Skeena and Lapins this past weekend.
Significantly, almost all of our later growers expect most of their crop in July this year.
Through to June 15 the industry has shipped almost 5.6 million boxes (20 lb equivalent). Included within that total are 453,909 fifteen-pound boxes of Rainiers.”

See this article in Tree Fruit June 2016

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