About biostimulants

Biostimulants is the name given to a group of products that contain a diverse range of substances that can promote plant health.

Biostimulants can benefit plants by assisting in the crop’s physiological processes. This group of products can act on the plant’s biological pathways to promote fruit quality, yields,vigour and overcome stress.

The basics first
There is probably nothing more important (some think boring) than getting the basics right.

This includes managing crop load, irrigation scheduling, pruning, drainage, sunscreen/netting, soil testing, plant tissue testing, good fertilizer regime.

After all the ‘basics’ are in order, a biostimulant could be a suitable option, if required.

Selecting a biostimulant
The marketing of this group of products tends to get carried away with some extravagant claims that aren’t necessarily supported with quality independent research.

It is a good idea to question the claims and do your research into the products before committing to using them. It can be overwhelming trying to choose the right one.
Having said that, if you are still interested in what biostimulants have to offer, then one of the more reputable companies that specialize in this field is the Italian based Valagro.  

I have chosen to focus on, Megafol®, one of Valagro’s products that may offer a solution to a specific agronomic problem.

Megafol is a growth activator and anti-stress product—it can help overcome set backs due to environmental stresses
such as heat or moisture stress, and can restore vigour in trees.

Megafol is a complex of amino acids and other growth factors. 
Besides being an immediate reserve in processes of protein synthesis, amino acids have a documented activity as energetic growth factors. 

Used regularly, Megafol helps plants quickly overcome stress (e.g. frosts, water logging, drought, hailstorms) resulting in more balanced and productive growth. 

Megafol can be mixed with foliar application products.

Label composition
Total Nitrogen (N) 3.0 %
Organic Nitrogen (N) 1.0 %
Ureic Nitrogen (N) 2.0 %
Potassium Oxide (K 2O) 8.0 %
Organic Carbon (C) 9.0 %

Biologically active components
Amino acids and proteins: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and a fundamental compound for animal and vegetable cells.

They play an important role in vegetative development, stress resistance, and favour the plants’ absorption of nutritional elements.

Betaine: Betaines can be considered methyl derivatives of amino acids. They play a fundamental role in fighting abiotic stress.

Growth activators: Growth activators act as chemical messengers in inter-cellular communication and interact with specific proteins called receptors. They can act as both stimulators and inhibitors.

The most important activators are auxin (Indole Acetic Acid, IAA), gibberellin, and cytokinin. In fact, many functions are regulated by vegetable hormones. In short, they play a primary role in vegetative development.

Vitamins: Vitamins are organic compounds that regulate cellular and tissue metabolism and are an integral part of enzymatic activity. They play an important role in vegetative development and increasing the production yield.

For information, see Tree Fruit, January 2013

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