Weed control in orchards

Revolutionary adjuvant technology

SST Australia has developed Kondemn, a new technology that provides most of the adjuvant needs for knockdown sprays and enables simple efficient application and mixing.

Kondemn also provides an outstanding opportunity for the reseller to restore profitability to his sales. With a small amount of effort it is easy to demonstrate to the grower that significant savings are available.

Multifunctional adjuvant system
Kondemn is revolutionary technology. Its OIP technology (Oil Impregnated Powder) has enabled the production of a truly multifunctional adjuvant system.

Improve spray effectiveness
Kondemn is designed to improve the effectiveness of knockdown sprays in adverse conditions such as in hard water, and in warm situations with high Delta T.

Reduce spray drift
Kondemn reduces spray drift and significantly reduces droplet evaporation. This assists the performance of knockdowns such as Glyphosate; 2,4-D and MCPA by maintaining droplet moisture for longer.

KONDEMN is only available from SST Australia.

For a photo of the product and contact details, see the May-June 2012 issue of Tree Fruit magazine

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