Minimise sunburn in orchards

MicroCal premier sunblock for fruit

MicroCal is a food-grade calcium carbonate sun block product for fruit, vegetables and nuts.

MicroCal reduces damage due to solar exposure by forming a reflective particle barrier on susceptible crops when applied throughout the growing season
MicroCal is available in an easy-to-use liquid formulation
MicroCal is marketed in the USA, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Brazil and New Zealand.
MicroCal prevents sun damage that can result in losses of 20% to 40%. Crops protected with MicroCal provide growers with substantial increases in returns:
Reduces sunburn cullage
Increases crop yields for higher profit
Limits evaporation which can reduce irrigation needs.
Built-in stickers and spreaders
Will not settle in storage tank
Multi-year shelf life
Can be applied by air
Does not promote mite growth
Washes off easily in slightly acidic (ph 5.5) bath
Mixes well with many fungicides and insecticides
Provides maximum protection from harmful UV and IR light, while still allowing for natural fruit colouring and photosynthesis
Does not inhibit the effectiveness of other crop protection applications
More rainfast than clay products—once dry, MicroCal is rainfast in up to 40mm of rain.
0.45 micron compared to 1.05 for Kaolin clay and 1.48 for other calcium carbonate products
Smaller particle size increases reflective surface area
Spreads a uniform film of diamonds that reflect harmful sunlight
Does not clog spray nozzles
Less abrasive to equipment than alternative products
Product stays in suspension during spraying to give a uniform coat of protection on produce
Better coverage requiring less product per hectare.

See this article in Tree Fruit Nov 2016

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