Minimise sunburn in orchards

Parka for protection under the sun

Sun, rain, disease, insects and other natural stressors can lead to costly damages.

Fortifying the fruit and leaf cuticle is your first layer of defence against these issues to optimize plant health and fruit quality at pack-out.
Relax with Parka
With Parka, you can relax knowing your fruit has the best protection under the sun. It combines unique modes of action in a residue-free formula that not only reduces culls due to stressors such as sunburn, cracking and splitting, it improves overall quality and consistency you can see.
Parka by Cultiva
Parka is manufactured by Cultiva, a global plant cuticle health technology provider.
Its products help growers of specialty crops protect their yield from increasing environmental stresses, including those associated with extreme temperatures and untimely moisture events.
Crops protected by Cultiva’s technology have reduced incidences of fruit cracking, sunburn, doubling, staining, and colouring issues, ultimately improving growers’ overall marketable yield.

See this article in Tree Fruit Dec 2023

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