Pest management in orchards

Another nasty: Oriental fruit fly (part 4)

In many ways, the methods used to control of OFF are similar to the methods used for Q fly.

Control of Oriental fruit fly
Male annihilation (continued from last issue)
A number of research groups are working on attractants based on fruit volatiles for stage 3 female Oriental fruit flies but these have not yet been commercialized.
A commercial product based on attractants for stage 3 flies would be effective only in the period when stage 3 flies are around but before the fruit begins ripening. It could represent another useful tool in the armoury.
The threat to Aus and NZ horticulture
Oriental fruit fly is a major quarantine threat for Australia and New Zealand.
The flies can enter as eggs or larvae in infested fruit or adults. AQIS is on the lookout for incursions.
If an infestation is found, another major government program would be needed to eradicate the outbreak.
What would happen if Oriental fruit fly established in Australia?
We can speculate on what this fly would do if it established in Australia.
OFF would definitely compete with Q-fly over the entire range in which Q-fly presently occurs.
One or other species would become predominant and this would probably vary at different times and in different regions.
There is a strong likelihood that the fruit fly problem for growers in Australia would become significantly worse if Oriental fruit fly became established.

See this article in Tree Fruit June 2018

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