New eco-oil HIPPO ENHANCED is a non-toxic botanical oil-based miticide/insecticide that controls two-spotted mite, aphids, whitefly, citrus leafminer and scale in crops - without leaving any potentially harmful residues.
Eco-oil HIPPO ENHANCED combines the insecticidal properties of natural oils and unique plant extracts called HIPPOs that attract beneficial insects into your crop.
- kills mites, aphids, whitefly, scale, citrus leafminer and other plant sucking pests
- contains unique plant extracts that attracts beneficial insects into crops after spraying to provide enhanced biological control
- has no withholding periods or re-entry restrictions
- can be used without the risk of insects building chemical resistance
- can be used effectively within existing IPM systems
- is 100% Australian made using locally grown canola oil.
Support the company that supports you.
For more information, see Tree Fruit July 2014