Pest management in orchards

Quality lures & pheromones

Insist on using the best pheromones and lures available to protect your crop next season.

OCP is proud to announce a partnership with ISCA technologies—giving growers across Australia access to a range of high quality pheromones and lures for use in horticulture, agriculture and urban environments.
ISCA technologies have been in the pheromone business for over 20 years and pride themselves on their pheromone synthesis and product manufacturing capabilities.
Through strong links with research and development organisations, ISCA has been able to develop a range of high quality pheromones and lures perfect for Australian conditions.

Insect pest management
ISCA provide effective, natural and environmentally friendly solutions for insect pest management.
OCP are proud to be able to offer growers access to a range of options that can be used to complement their current practices.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss further (why not incorporate My Traps for a seamless and stress free growing season ahead).

Contact Scott Brady mobile 0488 717 515
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see the product range

For more information, see Tree Fruit May 2014

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