Pest management in orchards

Streamline insect trapping data collection

If you are currently trapping and monitoring any kind of insect traps you should be aware of a new way to streamline and improve your data collection in the field.

Check out MyTraps software available through Organic Crop Protectants (

At Organic Crop Protectants we understand the importance of accurate and timely record keeping for insect trap monitoring. We have available a tool to streamline and simplify this process for you whether you are managing 20 traps or 2000+.

MyTraps is designed to simplify the process of data collection in insect trapping. Using the mobile applications you can enter data right from the field in your mobile device as you collect it, or choose to enter the data into your PC.

The data is collected and displayed in an easy-to-use format that allows you to review data and look at trends over time.
For information see Tree Fruit January 2014

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