Pest management in orchards

Acramite is a miticide with unique chemistry

Acramite is a miticide with unique chemistry

Acramite is a miticide with unique chemistry that gives reliable, effective mite control and works fast on target mites.

Acramite should be applied at the first sign of mites. Being a contact miticide, thorough spray coverage to run off is essential. Applying early will give longer residual control which will control late hatches. Acramite controls all motile mite stages, where eggs are controlled once nymphs are hatched. For resistance management there should only be one Acramite application per season.

Acramite is suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) situations , where due to its high selectivity it is very safe on beneficial insects and predatory mite species.

Acramite targets Two spotted mite, European red mite and Bryobia mite in pome fruit, stone fruit and almonds. There are various minor use permits for the control of Two spotted mite in crops including: Strawberries,  Tomatoes, Cucumber, Peppers, Egg plant, Zucchini, Nursery stock, Rubus, Hops, Lettuce (hydroponic and glasshouse systems).

Acramite has a short withholding period. For pome fruit there is a 7 days withholding period, for stone fruit there is a 3 day withholding period and for almonds the withholding period is 14 days.

For minor use permits, at Chemtura Agrosolutions we can now announce that the withholding period has been reduced from 7 days to 1 day in most minor use permits (please check the APVMA website for full details).

So don't let mites take advantage for your crop - apply Acramite at the first sign of mites for reliable and effective mite control.

For more information contact customer service on 1800 635 743 or visit

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