Pest management in orchards

Natural codling moth control

Codling moth Cydia pomonella is the principal insect pest of pome fruit in Australia and can damage almost the entire crop if not controlled.

Control of codling moth is the key to almost all other pest programs in pome fruit orchards since many chemicals commonly used to control codling moth have adverse effects on beneficial insects.

Sumitomo Chemicals now offer orchardists a control option that does not affect key beneficial insects.

Madex is an exciting new tool in the battle against codling moth in apples and pears. Overseas growers have included Madex in their programs for over a decade.

Based on a naturally occurring virus, Madex reduces the moth population without affecting beneficial insects.

It is an ideal addition to any codling moth control program, and is especially suited to use with pheromone mating disruption.

The liquid SC formulation of Madex has inbuilt UV protection which increases its residual efficacy.

It is easy to mix and has a low use rate of 100 mL/ha.

Because it is based on a naturally occurring virus, Madex has no impact on beneficial insects, making it a perfect fit in integrated pest management strategies. And because it is a natural product, Madex has no withholding period when used as directed. This means growers can use it throughout the season.

For more on Sumitomo products phone 02 8752 9000

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