Disease management in orchards

Lime sulphur back in vogue

Stoller Australia is known for its complete range of liquid nutrients and specialty treatments.
Stoller also supplies some fungicides and after successful programs on trees in 2011 there is a lot of interest in treating trees at late dormancy with Stoller’s Lime Sulphur.

This is one of the older style dormant fungicide treatments and has been revived as an application to trees to prevent in-season problems such as mites, leaf curl, rust and scale.

Application and timing
The treatment was so effective for growers last year that many farmers will be applying lime sulphur to their entire tree crop this year.

The product is applied as a dilute spray (5 L/100 L of water) ensuring thorough coverage to all tree parts.

Application time is in dormancy leading up to bud swell.

Stoller Australia distributes lime sulphur through the Australian dealer network in 20 L, 200 L and 1000 L plastic containers.

Multiple benefits
Interestingly, lime sulphur is also known as calcium polysulphide which contains sulphur, but also a highly available form of calcium which is absorbed by the tree woody tissue.

It seems that there are multiple benefits of a lime sulphur treatment.

It is a thorough and economical treatment that can really clean the orchard ready for healthy spring growth.

For information on Stoller’s lime sulphur, contact your local dealer or Stoller representative 

For photos and contact details, see the May-June 2012 issue of Tree Fruit magazine

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