More orchard cover solutions from Voen

The Voen self-ventilating covering system was invented more than 15 years ago by German cherry grower, Reinhard Vöhringer.

To meet the growing market demand and to increase the flexibility of their solutions, Voen opened a new factory in Germany in 2020.
“We are now able to adapt the layout of the covers to the individual needs of the customer— even in cases where a construction was initially built for another system”, said Mr Vöhringer.
“For example in regions with heavy winds or extreme temperatures, we can modify the system to protect from rain without compromising the good climate under the covers.”
The self-ventilating Voen system minimises heat and humidity build up under the covers resulting in firmer fruit and better shelf life. It also protects the crop against hail, rain and insects.

See this article in Tree Fruit Jan 2021

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