Netting protects crops from hail, heat and wind

Net Pro have a product that counteracts high solar radiation, heat stress, drought, desiccating winds, and hail storms.
Our flat canopy and patented pitch canopy have undergone extensive research and are designed to save livelihoods.

NetPro hail net products provide additional benefits by reducing plant stress, sunburn and wind speed, and in certain situations, the nets can significantly reduce the water consumption of trees.
Growers have discovered the value of Netpro products when they need to be counted on. Under a NetPro canopy entire fields suffer minimal damage in comparison to crops that remain uncovered and are completely destroyed by hail.
Long term investment with quick pay back
Hail netting is a long term investment, and that investment quickly pays for itself in financial returns: no hail damaged fruit; water savings; and reduced wind rub and sunburn damage, means A1 packouts every season.
Net it and forget it.
Most clients have reported canopy pay back time is about four years. The structure will last upwards of 12 years—food for thought.

Contact NetPro, phone 1300 638 776

For the The Horticultural Netting Infrastructure Grant (South Australia) see here

See this article in Tree Fruit July 2020

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