Drape Net—10 years protecting tree crops

Drape Net has been protecting Australian tree crops from hail, sunburn, water retention, birds & bats, wind, anti–bee on citrus, and other insects like fruit fly for over 10 years.

“We have helped develop the Net Wizz machine to apply the netting and have advanced our own Drape Net to make the whole system the best we can,” said Michael Cunial from Drape Net.
“Having said that, nothing is perfect and we will always look to make it better.
“Drape Net customers can rest assured that we strive to deliver the best value for money, and the experience and service to back it up.”
According to Michael, repeat customers are proof that the product works and that customers are happy with results under Drape Net.
“Last season we had a record sales year with most of those sales being to existing Drape Net customers,” he said.
Simple to use
Drape Net is simple to use, there are no contractors needed for its application, and it can be moved from block to block.
No council approval is needed, and it can be stored out of the way for half the year, which extends its life.
What growers say
“If it was up to me we would do our whole place,” said a pack house manager from Victoria.
“We are getting much cleaner fruit under Drape Net,” said a grower from Batlow.
Catering for the growing market
“It is a good feeling when fellow growers take up the concept of Drape Net,” Michael said.
“To cater for the growing market we will have some new faces who will focus on specific sectors and offer an even better service.
“We will also be introducing new product lines and accessories to the Drape Net range.”

For more information and a product/quote form, phone 0415 663 413
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
visit www.drapenet.com.au

See this article in Tree Fruit Sept 2017


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