Cut evaporation losses by 85%


Given that over much of the area of Australia, evaporation rates are higher than precipitation rates, a solution to conserve water in storage areas and channels must be high priority.

Netpro’s solution for evaporation control is long-lasting, low maintenance and cost effective.
The protective canopy system consists of porous shade cloth canopy panels suspended by securely anchored cables. The canopy system is commonly installed at wall/bank level but can be raised if required; our expertise also extends to extra-wide clear spans; and the structure can be installed over both drained and full storages.
Benefits of a fixed suspended water storage shade cloth canopy system include:


  • Evaporation Control—save 85–95% of evaporation losses through lower water surface temperature and reduced air currents (the porous cover traps a layer of humid air but does not prevent rain from falling through)
  • Improved water quality—restrict UV light and reduce wildlife/airborne pollution; reduce turbulence caused by wind
  • Reduction in algal blooms, weed and reed growth—low light levels minimise blooms and hence reduce chemical treatment required
  • Reduction in dam bank erosion, increase in liner lifespan—minimise wind and wave impact, reduce impact of UV degradation of liners (if installed)
  • Increases Access Security—easy identification of unauthorized access.

These covers are secure, with minimal visual impact and can be installed reasonably quickly (storage does not require drainage prior to installation).
The support structure can have a life-span exceeding 30 years (canopy, 15 years).
The technology used in the water canopies is the same at that developed to protect entire crops from the elements.
Netpro water storage structures are a cost effective way of achieving the preservation and security of scarce water resources.
The key benefits of installing Netpro covers are long lifespan of structure and canopy, improved water quality and most importantly water savings from reduced evaporation.

For more information: see Tree Fruit July 2014


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