Managing superficial scald with SmartFresh

AgroFresh Australia is undertaking further demonstration trials to present to growers on the management of superficial scald with SmartFresh.

Independent research by Stephen Tancred (Orchard Services) is currently underway in the Goulburn Valley on both Granny Smith and Packham pears.
Nick Sanders, AgroFresh Commercial Manager for Australia, says while initial research in 2007 showed the benefits of managing scald with SmartFresh, the current work was timely because a number of growers and marketers are looking at export opportunities where residue levels of DPA (diphenylamine) have come under greater scrutiny.
“The use of postharvest drenching for protection has cost exporters some opportunities recently, and these trials are a good reminder that SmartFresh is a viable alternative,” Mr Sanders said.
“We fully expect the current research to confirm the findings from seven years ago, providing further confidence in using SmartFresh for this important role of exporting scald-sensitive fruit.
“SmartFresh is a cost-effective scald management tool, particularly when compared with some of the sophisticated cool storage systems that are still to show their scald-effectiveness with Australian fruit.”
AgroFresh in conjunction with Stephen Tancred will conduct grower meetings to present findings and research later this year.

Contact Nick Sanders phone 03 9769 8936
mobile 0418 998 315 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information, see Tree Fruit March 2015

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