Using net to achieve 90%+ A-grade packout

The single most important reason to invest in a protective canopy is simply QUALITY.

Your crop will reach the packhouse in A-grade condition—damage from sun and wind (the main reasons fruit are rejected or downgraded) can be almost eliminated.
Some NetPro clients report 90–95% A-grade pack-outs, depending on overall management.

Correct canopy cover
When choosing the correct canopy cover, NetPro consultants take a number of factors into consideration—the most influential being location, the type of crop and the variety. These factors not only determine the net density (shading) but also the colour.

Water savings
Another big advantage of protective canopies is the water savings, as many areas are now required to pay for water. Prices are only going to go up; NetPro has many clients reporting 30% reductions in water use.

For information see the September 2012 issue of Tree Fruit

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