GP Graders labour-efficient grading lines

An outcome of the COVID restrictions is the rapid uptake of automation in both horticulture and agriculture.
Industries are searching for and quickly deploying machinery, software and processes to reduce their reliance on labour.

This is no longer the domain of larger industry players, it has become essential for all participants in Australia as we are starved of willing local labour; and our reliance on workers from overseas has highlighted how vulnerable our mega billion dollar industry has become.
Minimise dependence on labour
Within the packing house, GP Graders can provide steep inroads into minimising labour.
Vision technology is making a huge leap forward with our development of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in our new grading software, gpVision® and the integration of Exit Manager®, our traceability program, is leading to staffing on grading lines to less than 10 people.
Grading machines made in Australia
We have a range of high quality grading machines, made right here in Australia.
And with over 50 years experience, we have the know-how to provide the right solutions for your business.

For contact details, see Tree Fruit Oct 2020

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