Innovative perforated bag & compostable liner from Peakfresh

Peakfresh recently released two new products that are set to revolutionise packaging for fresh produce.

New perforated bag
The first is a perforated bag that not only allows fruit to stay in peak condition for longer by expelling the fruit-ripening gas, ethylene; it also reduces moisture build up in the bag, so there are fewer issues with mould and bacterial growth; and it allows fruit to cool more quickly when in coolstore.
The benefits of a perforated bag do not stop there. The perforations also allow gases to enter during fumigation.
As a result, the new perforated bag meets the AQIS specification for fumigation protocols.
New compostable carton liner
The second innovation from Peakfresh is a compostable carton liner (and bags).
Being made of natural plant starch, it does not produce any toxic material as it breaks down to form compost, and it does not release microplastic into the environment.
When added to compost, the compostable liner breaks down in about 12 weeks.
According to Peakfresh, the new liner will help to reduce the environmental impact from packaging.

Contact Peakfresh
phone 08 8443 5757
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See this article in Tree Fruit March 2019

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