Nick Sanders, AgroFresh’s Commercial Regional Manager, says while the stonefruit season is in full swing, the apple and pear sector is focused on preparing for another season, and he is pleased to be involved in both sectors.
“Over successive stonefruit seasons SmartFresh has won recognition for improving the control of the quality and shelf life of fruits which soften quickly throughout the supply chain.”
Nick says that as the AgroFresh team moves around the fruit growing districts, meeting customers at this time of the year, many cool storage operators are now starting to undertake the critical work of sanitising and pressure testing their rooms. A timely reminder to prepare cool rooms ahead of harvest while some opportunity remains.
“As a partner with our customers in the storage business, we see the value of these critical pre-season preparations in achieving quality out turns.”
Contact Nick Sanders, Commercial Regional Manager, Australia & New Zealand
See this article in Tree Fruit Jan 2018