Accurate, efficient automatic dosing pump

Fertiliser injection equipment is used to introduce water soluble fertilisers, minerals, pesticides and wetting agents via the irrigation system to increase and improve crop production and delivering directly to the root zone.

The newly developed DOSTEC AC dosing pump is available as a diaphragm or piston dosing pump with advanced control for an accurate and efficient automatic dosing.
The flow range covers from 3 to 1200 L/hr with an operating pressure up to 1500Kpa.
The correct selection of head materials PP, PVDF or S.S. makes the pump suitable for most chemical products used in agriculture.
The dosing pump has a range of operational modes: Analogue Control (4-20mA), proportional pulse control, batch dosing control by volume and time, and manual flow control.
The dosing pump inputs include 4/20Ma, external water meter pulse output, flow detector input, pressure sensor input and level sensor input pre-empty and empty.

For contact details, see Tree Fruit Sept 2020

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