SLTEC nutrient solutions

When developing a robust fertiliser program, some key concepts should be considered.

Nutrient uptake curve and data
This information allows insight into the nutrient demands of the crop type, and the nutrient ratios required at specific phenological growth stages.
Crop removal rates
With a target yield defined, the associated nutrients required to achieve it should be determined.
Site considerations
Historical soil/tissue/fruitlet test data taken over time will reveal site trends.
History of previous yields and pack out can also give insight into nutrient deficits and surpluses affecting the specific crop-variety.
Tree age, soil pH/cation balance and budget also need consideration given their impact on the release rate of soil nutrient reserves against periods of high uptake demand.
Nutrient ratio options
With site considerations in mind, the nutrients required to meet the correct balance in an available form should be derived to maximise nutrient use efficiency at different growth phases throughout the season.

For more information contact Neil Hinchey

See this article in Tree Fruit June 2021

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