Post-harvest program key to next season's success

Providing trees with adequate nutrition after harvest has been proven to dramatically increase the performance of next year's crop.

At the onset of a new season, trees use only stored energy to break buds and flower.
It isn’t until the first leaves have developed that the tree can begin to photosynthesise and start using nutrients from the soil.
This means that if we have substantial stored nutrition from the previous season, the tree will have good momentum at the start of the season and a good chance to form bigger and stronger spur leaves, resulting in highly efficient photosynthetic activity to improve fruit-set, tree growth, fruit quality and fruit size.
Robust post-harvest program
A robust post-harvest program addressing both micro and macronutrients will ensure the most energy possible is stored in the buds to set the trees up for a great start to the next season.

Contact: Hybrid-Ag
phone 03 5722 7555
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Andrew Smith 0427 257 339
Jotham Grace 0437 066 147

 See this article in Tree Fruit April 2019


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