Pest management in orchards

Helicovex®: most concentrated Heliothis NPV product


Helicovex® is a highly concentrated SC formulation of more than 7.5x1012 PIB/litre Helicoverpa armigera Nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV), making it the most concentrated Heliothis NPV product on the market.

It is registered in over 66 horticultural crops including apples and pears for the management of Heliothis including H. armigera and H. punctigera.
Helicovex is highly selective against Heliothis species making it a very IPM friendly product. Growers will also benefit from the fact that it comes with zero withholding periods or other residue issues.
First of many virus products
Helicovex is the first of a number of virus products that will be introduced to the Australian market over the coming years as a result of an alliance forged between Organic Crop Protectants Pty Ltd (OCP) and Andermatt BC, Switzerland.
World leader in insect virus technology
Andermatt BC is a world leader in insect virus technology and related IPM products.
They have been at the forefront of insect virus discovery and production for over 26 years and have the broadest portfolio of insect virus products in the world—including Grandex® for the control of both Codling moth and Oriental Fruit moth.
“We are very excited about the addition of Helicovex to our range of IPM products,” said Gary Leeson Managing Director of OCP.
“Helicovex is a very cost effective biological insecticide option for the control of Heliothis, and is a highly complementary addition to our other Australian organic registered insecticide ranges including Eco-oil® HIPPO, Pyganic® and AzaMax®”.
“Helicovex fits perfectly with our InsectTech IPM range of insect monitoring technologies including Z-Trap®, MyTraps® software, and high quality pheromones including H. armigera and H. punctigera lures”.
Orchard application
Helicovex can be used as a stand-alone treatment or tank mixed with other sprays as a resistance management tool.
It is very versatile in tank mixes and can withstand pH levels between 5 and 8.5.
Helicovex brings with it, Swiss quality formulating and QA standards, so it is a very reliable formulation with excellent shelf-life and in-field performance.
Convenient pack sizes
Helicovex comes in four convenient pack sizes: 200mL, 1L, 5L and 20L containers, making it attractive to intensive small crop customers with 1-2 hectares, mid-sized tree crops, up to large broad-acre growers.
The 20L container will treat 200 hectares at label rates of 100mL/ha without the need for any additional adjuvant.
“The benefit of such a high concentration, quality formulation is that it won’t take up as much space in the fridge as other NPVs and you don’t need to carry any extra special adjuvants,” Gary Leeson added.

For more information or where to obtain supplies, visit the OCP website
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Freecall 1800 634 204
or give one of our local reps a call.

See this article in Tree Fruit Nov 2017


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